Jan 7, 2008

A Love story...

I was with them the first time they went out together. Yet I was his first love. I couldn't bear to see him with someone else. I was shattered inside and broke down. I thought he would leave her and come with me. But he dropped me at a friend's place and went to her. A week after that he decided to marry her. Couple of days later, he again took me to pick her up. They had a good time and looked good together. He formally introduced me to her. He told her that I was his first love. She laughed and said that it was fine. I was shocked. I was heart broken. After that he never took me out with her.

They got married in a few months. A month after marriage she went out for her studies. He was back with me. I was very happy. He would take me for shopping, we went to long drives together - just like the good old days. Those were some of the best times of my life. Then she came back. This time it was harder to see them together. He tried many times to take both of us out together, but I decided I wouldn't go. I protested. He would still take me out once in a while for a short drive. But I would never go out with the both of them.

Then one day, he introduced me to his cousin. The cousin was a nice chap and took me out with him. I slowly started liking his cousin and started staying with him. Now I am happy. But still will not be able to forget him.

Added on Oct 22, 2008:
A few points about the above story...
1. Its a true story.
2. 'her' is me.
3. 'He' is my husband.
4. 'I' is his bike!!!!

Happy reading!!!!


  1. Its is said, that it is better to lose a lover than to love a loser.Clearly HE is a LOSER! I can't believe how men keep taking advantage of gullible girls :(

  2. Hey please read the edits...there is a twist in the tale...
